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Question 1 of 4
I know how to conjugate verbs in Catalan
Not at all! Well, maybe the verb "ésser"
I do, but I still get quite confused with past tenses and the subjunctive
I'm quite confident with verbs, except for irregular tenses and subjunctive
Question 2 of 4
My Catalan vocabulary is...
Very basic or non-existent
Good for everyday situations (e.g., greetings, shopping, directions) but I lack specific vocabulary
I know vocabulary related to specific topics (e.g., work, travel, nature) but I want to expand it
Question 3 of 4
I am able to make sentences in Catalan
Not at all / I struggle to make basic sentences
I can form simple sentences with correct word order
I can construct complex sentences using conjunctions (e.g., i, però, perquè)
Question 4 of 4
Which of these sentences do you relate to the most?
I can introduce myself and answer basic questions about my personal life
I can participate in a conversation about familiar topics without much hesitation
I can discuss more complex topics and express my opinions clearly